03 November, 2006

The last letter


這是Adrien Josef Cerl 在被送往Auschwitz的集中營的火車上寫的。字跡非常潦草匆忙。

The last letter from Adrien Josef Cerl (quote from Imperial War Museum in London, Holocaust Gallery)

23 September 1942

My dearest little wife

The dice have been cast. I am heading towards deportation and it is while the train is moving that I am throwing this last letter to an employee of the railways in the hope that he will post it without a stamp... I leave in good health and if we are able to resist the regime that is waiting for us, I will come back. I ask you to do as I am doing and to take courage and to hope. Don't renounce anything for yourself. Don't worry about your future, while you are waiting for my return. If I get out, I hope that we will live happily... Have confidence and don't fall into despair.

All my thoughts and all my love are in this last letter together with my gentle tender kisses.

your husband






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